Tuesday, September 3, 2013

New update on my life

My summer

Facebook Page
I know its been about 10 months since I've blogged but I've started to help Admin a page on facebook called "Captain Teemo On Duty" and its just brought out the creative side in me. I really dont have many friends so it feels awesome to write this stuff and to post content for people scrolling down there news feed. Thought it has a decent set of likers - not many people comment or like it (just view it).

Gaming Life
I've recently in-short abandoned Minecraft and just have the launcher sitting on my desktop alongside with my other games. But the main two games I've been playing recently are MW2 and League of Legends. Both great games and decently "old". I don't like to call a good game old but League of Legends his been out there for a while now alongside with MW2. But MW2 is alot more different then on the PlayStation or the Xbox. On the PC you're able to choose servers, play different types of game modes (zombies etc), and you can actually play the game without raging kids. There are servers dedicated to sniping, trick shooting, and even AI-Zombies. Then theirs League of Legends (for now I'm going to bold it and replace it with LoL) Its an amazing team vs. team game that just brings out peoples competitive side. Its one of thsoe games which requires you to focus and use your brain. Also remember that teamwork is what plays a big role in the game. There are alot of champions to select and the main three I choose are; Teemo, Tryndamere, and Viegar. I'll go more in-depth with it in another blog. But in-short LoL is a fun game and I'll post the links below.

So me and my friend Brandon have decided to have a minor competition with each other. The objective is to play Pokemon and beat the game. But throwback! We're playing old school: Fire Red and Leaf Green! I chose Leaf Green because the Pokemon I wanted are in there and the Pokemon Brandon wanted are usually in Fire Red. So win win for both of us. But as my starting Pokemon I did choose Squirtle because of his evolved form Blastoise.  For this reason! He looks awesome with two cannons on his back and is just cool looking. But my current set of Pokemon that I use are; Blasoise, Sandslash, Flareon, Starmie, Picachu, and Zapdos. I'm debating on removing Pikachu because when I catch Zapdos I can just teach flash to him (currently Pikachu is level 5 c:). But I currently have 5 badges and am going for the 6th. Also note my Pokemon are low level so tomorrow I'm going to be training for about a good hour to bring them up to level 40 each. Which will be a pain but I did skip alot of Trainer battles so it shouldn't be that long!
Note: we're playing on our iPhone 5's.

New Phone
Gonna be quick. Yes I did get a new phone and sold my old iPhone 4 and got $100 off my iPhone 5! Black 16gb AT&T (hehe advertising). Its awesome: fast, sleak, light weight, and just AWESOME! I didn't jailbreak it yet because I'm waiting for a 6.1.4 jailbreak and still debating because I dont wanna slow it down. (Yes I am a jailbreaker and I'm not just saying that its from experience!)

Schools going to start tommarow and I'm not really too excieted about walking a mile everyday from my house to school. But its not to bad. I could use the extersize if I wanna join the Kirkland Explorer's!

Emulator links:
Virtual Boy (Good emulator) (click me)
Games (Gameboy roms) (click me)

LoL and MW2:
MW2 - nosteam.ro (cracked)
LoL (official site) (click me)

Next blog:
- My cat
- other updates and new events
Funny fire red has over 10 million more downloads than Leaf Green.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Kitten + Update + Website Update!

Well this will just be a short paragraph. I have a baby kitten thats been with us for about a month , Shes not about three months old. After many days of debating and questioning about her name , We came up with the name " Masya. " Day and day you can hear my mother screaming at the cat for getting into the plants and destroying them. Other than that when shes with me she dosent act like that , She is just normal. 

Life Update
Well my life has been good for the past days and everything has been good. Finally today I missed the bus and my mom raged.

My website is just down , WE have no clue whats going on! Also for all you readers my host is www.smartdots.com - Have fun with life everyone.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Mario Kart and Spanish Friend Issues!

My Room
The intensity is rushing thru Me and Brandon , We are both playing Mario Kart! Him this time as Bowser, and me being Toad! I win in first place for the first two rounds! But Brandon catches up at the Third! Now its nothing but a tie between us at Rainbow Road. Brandon is gaining ahead , While Im still back into last place! - Just to get the story over with , David (Me) Lost and Brandon had won the game. 
Super Mario 64 Glitch FAILURE
As we recently said In our last blog , that we attempted to glitch Super Mario 64 and beat it in 10 minutes , But that didn't work out as we arent Pro Bug abusers and we DONT have the brain power to do as such , We also learned that allot of the damn videos were fakes and were nothing but a waste of our times. But , There is hope that we can get one thing to work , Its a glitch to catch / meet  Yoshi early but we tried even Brandon couldn't do it and hes a pro. But that's okay.

Date: 10/23
Day status: I feel loved , also very happy! Excited to learn!:3 - Have a good day everybody! 

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Super Mario 64 Glitching ' Attempt '

My Room (Gaming Time)
Alright so me and my friend Brandon , begin to watch you tube videos on how to ' Glitch ' or exploit Super Mario 64. But we ended up laughing and having a fun time , watching the people who glitched it just do a few things and boom there beating Bowser3 in 30 seconds. It all in all was a fun time , Now where just playing some Mario kart! I prefer to use Toad and Brandon prefers to use Yoshi.

Status: Happy and sorta in love :D!
Status for my website?: Still a bitch and down!

((Link: A picutre of bowser.))

Friday, October 19, 2012

Website issues.

Website Background
Let me just start with some background info , I used to run a Minecraft server. In which I needed a forums sight , So then I went on to ask my friend Aidan to make me one. He did as such using 000webhost.com , Its been a few months since logging into the main Admin CP. Since I never bothered to find the info to it. Now lets begin with the story.

History Class
So now Im in history class , After finishing chapter 6 (Some Book) I told my history teacher to come here that I wanted to show him something. He came over and I loaded an image on my phone. It showed me asking for my 000webhost info.
Me: Hey Aidan , Whats my web host info?
Aidan: Good Question. 
My history laughed at it and said " You have a website? " I said ya with a grin on my face, Then he said well show me! So we walked to his computer and we typed the URL - www.tacocraft.net.tc , But it returns with this ' INACTIVE ' - So I was like NO! , I returned to my desk and began to think what happened.

Finally upon arriving home , I contact Aidan again asking him whats the info and his only response was that " Ill look. " So now where in troubleshoot with my website, Next blog Ill update on what happened to the website.

Have a good day guys :D. 
Also my status for today: Happy! :)
Also if my website is done feel free to head over to it! 

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Grand Theft Auto Coding + Learning Photoshop

One night I was looking into the Multimedia Section of the NGG Forums (CLICKME). I started looking at the Graphics Section , I noticed how nice they do there jobs and how HD there pictures / images are. After looking at that I decided Id torrent Adobe Photoshop CS6. Short while later after the torrent was done , I began to mess around with it and see how it works. Now I can use Photoshop at a Beginners level. Ill include some of my work , there honestly isnt much to see.

Grand Theft Auto Coding

I spent at least a good one to two months coding and scripting my Grand Theft Auto server. Ive so far been adding allot of Admin commands , Editing Admin commands and I've even managed to make Two Factions. The FBI and the SAGU ( San Andreas Gang Unit. ) It makes me smile when I look at it and just think of how I feel accomplished In the inside. But Im still editing it and Im becoming way smarter in my scripting , Ive managed to delete any flaws in the script so there shouldn't be anything buggy. 


What kind lf language do I script? Well I script / code using Pawn , Its a relativity easy language to learn because it isnt complex at all. But that just on how people view it and on how much time they spend learning it. For me Im a quick learner and I learn things easily.