Friday, October 19, 2012

Website issues.

Website Background
Let me just start with some background info , I used to run a Minecraft server. In which I needed a forums sight , So then I went on to ask my friend Aidan to make me one. He did as such using , Its been a few months since logging into the main Admin CP. Since I never bothered to find the info to it. Now lets begin with the story.

History Class
So now Im in history class , After finishing chapter 6 (Some Book) I told my history teacher to come here that I wanted to show him something. He came over and I loaded an image on my phone. It showed me asking for my 000webhost info.
Me: Hey Aidan , Whats my web host info?
Aidan: Good Question. 
My history laughed at it and said " You have a website? " I said ya with a grin on my face, Then he said well show me! So we walked to his computer and we typed the URL - , But it returns with this ' INACTIVE ' - So I was like NO! , I returned to my desk and began to think what happened.

Finally upon arriving home , I contact Aidan again asking him whats the info and his only response was that " Ill look. " So now where in troubleshoot with my website, Next blog Ill update on what happened to the website.

Have a good day guys :D. 
Also my status for today: Happy! :)
Also if my website is done feel free to head over to it! 

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