Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Mario Kart and Spanish Friend Issues!

My Room
The intensity is rushing thru Me and Brandon , We are both playing Mario Kart! Him this time as Bowser, and me being Toad! I win in first place for the first two rounds! But Brandon catches up at the Third! Now its nothing but a tie between us at Rainbow Road. Brandon is gaining ahead , While Im still back into last place! - Just to get the story over with , David (Me) Lost and Brandon had won the game. 
Super Mario 64 Glitch FAILURE
As we recently said In our last blog , that we attempted to glitch Super Mario 64 and beat it in 10 minutes , But that didn't work out as we arent Pro Bug abusers and we DONT have the brain power to do as such , We also learned that allot of the damn videos were fakes and were nothing but a waste of our times. But , There is hope that we can get one thing to work , Its a glitch to catch / meet  Yoshi early but we tried even Brandon couldn't do it and hes a pro. But that's okay.

Date: 10/23
Day status: I feel loved , also very happy! Excited to learn!:3 - Have a good day everybody! 

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